Until now Tenerife has been known for its daytime landscapes and nightlife was basically limited to the pubs on the coast. But there is another way to enjoy the night, and another way to see the day. One that will leave an imprint on your senses ... and your neurons, stimulating you like never before. And all very natural and suitable for all audiences: through astrotourism (stargazing and much more).

Tenerife has "sun (and of stars) insurance" ...
The Canarian sky is considered among the best in the world together with Hawaii and Chile, and if Charles Piazzi-Smith defined the ideal conditions for its study on this island you will be able to combine the advantages of the existence of the Teide Observatory for your research with enjoyment of the excitement of discovering the Sun, the Moon, the constellations and other planets through knowledge and awareness against light pollution.

Teruel: from Tirwal and the Mudejar star to the domes of Javalambre
Everything in Teruel are stars. The quality of its sky is already observable by day, but at night ... Its foundation is already linked to the appearance of a star, this motif in its Mudejar artistic manifestation floods almost everything, and for a few years now, Universe is being mapped from its peaks.