Welcome astrotourister
The universe has brought you here, would you join Astrotouristing’s mission?
Ease and satisfy the curiosity for astronomic observations
Divulge astrophysicist and astronomic knowledge, the heritage of each astrotouristic destination.
Display the utility of the findings of the research done about the cosmos.
Promote the figure of the scientist in society and as a tourist guide.
Spread and support in a committed way the investigative work of institutions and professional that study scientifically and defend the enjoyment and intercultural scope of the sky.
Favour, as such, the continuity and improvement of the conditions of sky-gazing on a global scale.
Stimulate the artistic creation around astrotourism as a way to offer “glocal” interpretations with the smallest possible carbon footprint, transforming the sector into an innovative resource of human development in each destination.
Stimulate a more sustainable consumption and tourism connect to the Economy of the Common Good.
We do it all for you. Shall we begin?