You’ve probably noticed (and hopefully you’ll experience it too!) that ASTROTOURISTING is an [inter]cultural-scientific ecotourism project that needs people like you, who has fun while learning, pledges against light pollution and wants to foster job creation and sustainable fashion.

In our First Edition design of the #bestarfriendly t-shirt, we’ve prioritized a message that matches both the goals of ASTROTOURISTING at an universal level and surely yours or those of the person receiving the shirt as a gift. That’s why it’s made from a more sustainable textile made from organic cotton and inks free of noxious elements. It also glows in the dark!

#bestarfriendly t-shirt detail 


If you’re physically and intellectually active person, if you like outdoors activities, if you want to leave behind a constructive kind of entertainment to the new generations, if you’re either an amateur astronomer or an aspiring one, if you want your environment or wharever you go to understand and share your passion, you can get this shirt and make quite a statement right in the INTERNATIONAL SUSTAINABLE TOURISM YEAR, associating yourself with the international  FASHION REVOLUTION  initiative of ethical and sustainable fashion and get exclusive perks through your support of this first edition of the #darkiscoming t-shirt on our #bestarfriendly astrotourism Travel Agency www.astrotouristing.com and collaborate with 1’6% of the price with the institution that watches over the preservation of our star heritage FUNDACIÓN STARLIGH**!

And for the youngest in the family, order a t-shirt with our mascot. As soon as the organic edition is available, you’ll have the opportunity to do some night or day sky gazing (it also glows in the dark!), and you’ll get the chance to name our mascot. Gift fun, knowledge, awareness and experience!

A detailed view of ASTROTOURISTING’S children’s design in its yellow model. There’s also a black model where the glow is more noticeable.

It also have a detail showing that it’s a First Edition, making it even more special

Booking in info@astrotouristing.com (Subject: ASTROCROWDFUNDING)

Follow our social media and you’ll find more about astronomy, general scientific knowledge and sustainability because through astrotourism WE DIVULGING FOR YOUR DELIGHT WHILE DISCOVERING … Another kind of Tourism is possible. Do you want to be our star?

Even more if you get it close to your mobile phone.

It refers to the golden ratio of which we will explain its application and symbolism in Astronomy, Mathematics, Naturalism, Art, … The donation is made by ASTROTOURISTING, not as an individual with a buyers name.

  • Shipping not included

  • No collective delivery will be done

Warning Canary Islands: DUA or AEIM expenses not included, but keep in mind that if it’s a collective orders under 150€, or under 8 units, there shouldn’t be any customs expenses. See http://www.octsi.es/octsi/noticias-del-octsi/150-euros-exencion-igic-importacion

Carmen María Real Perera (ASTROTOURISTING)
30 November, 2017
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